Chinese applicants US immigration lawyers strategies
Chinese residents US immigration lawyers advices: Determine if you need a credential evaluation. Many employers and academic institutions prefer that international candidates demonstrate their past education and training through an equivalency report. Apply for a credential evaluation early, so that your report will be ready on time. Look for loans, scholarships, grants, and other financial aid resources to help reduce your costs. Protect your mental health. Newcomers often experience a period of stress, depression, loneliness, and uncertainty. However, you can learn to overcome these feelings and embrace your new environment.
Evaluation of immigration lawyers: You can find a lot of information about your lawyer online: whether he is listed as a State Bar Association, and the American Immigration Lawyers Association or AILA (the professional organization for most of the best lawyers); whether he is well received on the website; whether the lawyer Professional articles have been written for publication, etc. If the only comment you find shows that an attorney has been arrested or disqualified, you will not even need an appointment.
When entering negotiations about your position, do not forget to mention your credential evaluation and overseas training. This can help you secure a higher salary. Find out if you have the skills and training necessary to excel in a technologically advanced workplace. How can you demonstrate those skills in a profitable way? Volunteering is a fantastic way to make connections in your community, expand your professional network, and gain access to free training and development opportunities. Networking, in general, is a sure way to promote your skills, build your confidence, and grow your resources. You should also focus on networking with your own colleagues. Focus on developing interpersonal skills and utilizing strong communication habits at work. Once you have a good job, always consider your next steps. Prepare to take your career to the next level. Discover extra information at
For our chinese readers:
Green Card Legal 是一家总部位于曼哈顿中城的律师事务所,由拥有多年移民法律经验的几位资深律师共同创建。与传统律所不同,Green Card Legal更专注于留学生/华人群体的移民申请,并通过大量和美国移民局互动的实际操作案例和数据模型分析预测了申请的难点和趋势。Green Card Legal的很多客户都来自中小规模公司,律师针对他们的不同职位、专业和公司情况定制个性化申请方案,最大化提升了绿卡申请通过率。Green Card Legal的服务内容包括: EB-1A杰出人才绿卡、EB-1C高管绿卡、EB-2/EB-3职业移民绿卡等等。他们团队的律师在绿卡领域从业近10年,可以用普通话、粤语和英文与客户进行沟通,在客户中的口碑非常好,在律师测评网站AVVO上的评分也很高。Green Card Legal 收费价格非常清晰,部分服务还支持分阶段付款。使用过Green Card Legal的移民服务的客户表示Green Card Legal的律师在移民领域经验非常丰富,为客户准备的移民申请材料也很细致周到。工作人员服务态度很好,对目前的移民政策和制度也了解得非常全面。特别是微信客服随时都能联系到,能够及时解答用户的各种疑问。
这是一人移民全家移民的方式,获得美国绿卡的人,可以为自己未成年子女、父母申请美国绿卡,而获得美国公民后,条件更加优越,父母、未成年儿女不用说,还可以为成年子女、兄弟姐妹申请美国绿卡。当然,这种方式需要等待移民排期,等10年8年很正常。申请政治庇护获得绿卡: 这种方式在过去让一些人轻易地拿到美国绿卡,最近几年,移民局发现有不少人是钻空子,完全是借个理由,编造故事,目的就是为了拿绿卡。因此,移民局目前对这类案子审查的相当严。 美国绿卡 申请步骤 因为绿卡种类众多,每个种类的申请步骤可能都有差别,也比较繁琐,以下仅是工作绿卡的大致申请过程。(1)确定你是否符合绿卡申请资格 (2)劳工证——除了EB1和符合国家利益豁免要求的绿卡申请者(这两种绿卡申请者可以直接跳到步骤5),EB2、EB3绿卡申请者均需要等待雇主获得劳工证,以证明无法招聘到符合职位要求的美籍员工。这个阶段可能要持续半年甚至数年
绿卡排期 (EB-2和EB-3): EB-2和EB-3绿卡的重点在于雇主/公司的支持( Sponsoring an Immigrant Worker for a Green Card),申请流程包括以下三个阶段:①PERM(劳工证)阶段:此阶段可能需要花费至少6个月甚至是数年的时间。PERM是发放给雇主的,你的雇主/公司需要在报纸、招聘网站等多个公共平台刊登招聘广告,向DOL(the Department of Labor),也就是美国劳工部证明当前无法招聘到符合职位要求的美籍员工,从而获得雇佣外国劳工的许可。PERM申请没有加急的途径; 在网站上阅读更多信息 o1 簽證.
O1签证 是继H-1B签证之后,近几年越来越受欢迎的一种非移民签证。有些人觉得O-1签证申请要求太高,难度很大,实则不是,在一些方面,O-1签证比H-1B签证还要简单很多,并且一旦申请成功,会给受益人省去很多麻烦。O1签证 简介: O-1是一种非移民签证,适用于在科学、艺术、教育、商务、体育方面杰出的外国人,或者在电影电视行业能够被国家或者国际认知的及拥有卓越成就的外国人。该签证持有人可在美国从事与自己领域相关的工作。O-1签证没有名额限制,无需经过抽签程序,但是同样需要美国雇主的支持