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Learn new languages the easy way and bilingual audio books

Recapture the delights of hearing stories beautifully told by extraordinarily talented storytellers and audio books advantages : Did you know that a woman by the name of Pura Belpre was New York City’s first Puerto Rican librarian? She came to the U.S. in 1921, carrying the cuentos folkloricos (folktales) of her homeland. She found work as a bilingual assistant, where she retold those stories from Puerto Rico. Today, generations of children and storytellers continue to share her tales and celebrate her legacy. In honor of this new story, we’ve put together a few reasons why we think it’s beneficial to read bilingual stories and diverse voices to your children.

Consider reading a book you’ve already read or a story that you’re familiar with, but in electronic bilingual format. Doing that eliminates some potential vocabulary or storyline questions. You already have an idea of who the characters are and how the plot progresses, so it’s not a stretch to figure a few things out without having to look at the translated page. But when all else fails-that’s why the books are presented in two languages. Use the translations.

Without attacking any church in particular, it spares none; it is more particularly directed towards the current attitudes and beliefs in the West, even if it is not limited to it. Throughout the chapters the apprentice guru learns how to find his revelation, or how to make prophecies and miracles, etc. Of course, the future guru also learns to do what every cult leader does with talent: how to shear the flock. If your church scores more than 3 positives, run away before drinking the Kool-Aid. The linguistic level is not high first because the audio book uses mainly the present of the indicative, then because the religious vocabulary varies very little from one language to another. And, I should say, from one religion to another.

Entertaining Method to Learn. Many students do not develop the reading habit because it seems them boring activity. Thanks to technology that has offered an entertaining mechanism to learn. You can perform multiple tasks, including the cleaning, folding laundry, and wash dishes while listening to their favorite book. Save Time. Time has become the rarest commodity for a modern man. Reading a printed book consumes a lot of time. That is why; many people do not even try to read any book. You can complete audiobooks within a limited time. The reader does not feel tired or bored while listening to the book. Discover additional details at Bilingual audio books English/Hindi.

If money is available for purchasing audiobooks, it is important for librarians and teachers to do their homework before buying. Single-author unabridged audiobooks tend to be the best, though some dramatizations (such as Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy, read by the author with a cast of more than 40 British actors) can be excellent. There are many sources of audiobook reviews readily available online, including School Library Journal. [Note: The Association for Library Service for Children also publishes an annual Notable Children’s Recordings list.]

Develops grade-level appropriate content knowledge. Giving students access to grade-level materials by providing an audiobook accommodation improves their self-esteem and increases their participation in class and peer discussions. They are now able to work alongside their peers and get hours of time back. Just because a student can’t read the words in the same way as their peers, doesn’t mean they aren’t developmentally ready to learn this information. Listening to audiobooks brings the information to the student when they are ready for it, not when they can read it.

Ask yourself: would you like to learn a language the way you learned your mother tongue? You learned it without reading or writing. Yes, it took you three years, but ZERO effort. If you are ready to learn without even knowing that you are learning, subscribe to our list so that you can enjoy your BABooks at a 50% discount. If you are a foreign language teacher, the BABook is your dream tool. Not only it helps you in your teaching tasks, but it also reduces the eventual discipline issues. Anyone likes to listen to stories. Discover more info on https://bilingualaudiobooks.com/.