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Software test planning tips

Test analysis guide? We’ve covered many different types of software testing in our recent guide to software testing, as well as in many individual posts (check out our testing archives here). Beyond knowing the ins and outs of software testing, it’s helpful to learn from those who have traveled the path before you to learn from their mistakes and leverage the tips and tricks they’ve learned along the way (and graciously decided to share with the development world). That’s why we rounded up this list of software testing tools.

There is nothing worse than a report that has too many words and not enough pictures! Make your reports clear, concise and as up-to-date as they can be. By providing clear and up-to-date information your own team, as well as your management team, will be much more aware of the status of your testing and any issues you face. Any key issues can then be tackled as and when they occur, or red flags be raised earlier rather than weeks down the track.

The ultimate ebook for more than software testing basics: How would you like to have all the software testing knowledge you need in one comprehensive book? Whether you want to level up in the software test management field, or gain useful knowledge of the sector as a whole, A Test Manager’s Guide is the resource for you. As a young graduate I started looking for potential career opportunities and this eBook has shown me the beauty and complexity of the Test Manager profession from a theoretical standpoint. See a few more info on Cania Consulting.

Find out what the software under test is not expected to be doing. Try those things out. The ‘what if’ should become the leading question of the software research. So you are finding yourself in the middle of Apple Watch testing. How will it act if an iPhone it is paired to runs out of battery, etc.? If you can do anything in the system (meaning it allows you to), do so without question and despite everything telling you shan’t do just that. If possible, get the system (or device) under test out of your working premises and try it in a real environment. Don’t rely solely on written communication, particularly for virtual teams. Especially in virtual teams often the only point of interaction between developers and testers are bug tracking system, yet it is especially the written word that causes misunderstandings and leads to pointless extra work. Regular calls and actually talking to each other can work miracles here.

Work from home software testing tip for today : As you are developing and testing, team members need to make sure they are capturing everything more religiously than they might do if working in the office. For a tester, they could normally just show someone else (e.g. a developer) what happened on their screen, but when you are Teletesting, that is harder to. Use screen capture tools (like a free google extension – SpiraCapture) to capture what you are doing and then save the results into a tool like SpiraTest so that you have a record of what you just did. Similarly, make sure you document any changes or questions about requirements as a comment in the requirement. If you are not sure what the requirement means, add a question as the comment. If you are worried you will forget to clarify, just add a task to the requirement so that it is not forgotten. Teams should err on the side of adding tasks as well as comments to make sure things are not lost. Also as mentioned in item 3. if you need to get clarity on something, it’s fine to use IM tools, but make sure the results from that discussion make it into the tool being used for the source of truth. See even more details on https://cania-consulting.com/.