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Tax help recommendations plus firms

Top status income tax firms in Houston, Texas? In particular, look for receipts for medical costs not covered by insurance or reimbursed by any other health plan (like a flexible spending account or health savings account), property taxes, and investment-related expenses). These are all subject to limits, but if they’re substantial enough, it may be worth your while to itemize. If you do itemize your deductions, you’ll also need to collect any back-up you have for charitable contributions. For example, contributions of $250 or more require a written acknowledgment from the charity stating the amount of your gift and that you did not receive anything (other than perhaps a token item) in return.15? If you don’t have such an acknowledgment, contact the charity and request it. You can find more details on charitable deductions in IRS Publication 1771.

Why Change the Character of Your Income? One way to reduce your tax burden is to change the character of your income. If you’re wondering why you should do so, here are some of the ways it can help you to lower your tax bill. Convert your SIMPLE, SEP, or traditional IRA to a Roth IRA. If you are over the age of 591/2 and you meet the five-year rule, Roth distributions are tax free. Because they are not considered investment income, they will not increase your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI), which is used to calculate the 3.8% Medicare surtax.

Avoid Taxes on an RMD with a Charitable Donation: Seniors who have a traditional 401(k) or IRA must take a required minimum distribution each year once they reach age 70 1/2. Those who don’t need this money for living expenses may want to consider having it sent directly to a charity as a qualified charitable distribution. “It’s basically a check issued from the IRA and made out to the charity,” Zollars says. This prevents the money from becoming taxable income and could help reduce the amount of Social Security retirement benefits that are deemed taxable, too.

Bonus depreciation is an extra benefit for buying assets. The TCJA also increased this tax break from 50% to 100% of cost for assets placed in service from September 27, 2017 through January 1, 2023. Talk to your tax preparer if you’ve purchased any major assets to find out if you qualify. You can deduct up to $25 per person of the cost of gifts given to customers and vendors. An exception exists for those that bear your business name, are distributed as a matter of course, and cost less than $4. Deducting the costs of entertainment is a bit trickier if you show your appreciation by paying for a good time. These costs are no longer deductible unless the event is directly related to your business in some way. Find even more information on https://greentree.tax/tax-preparation-service-in-houston/.

Debt collections happen in almost every operating business. They are just part of the business landscape. In today’s tough economy, customers may be having more trouble than normal paying their debts. When invoices aren’t getting paid, it may be time to hire a commercial collection agency to help get these debts paid. Commercial collection agencies are experts in business to business debt collection. As in every industry, there are good ways and bad ways to perform debt collections. Here are some ways to increase your success.

“Flip houses and make big bucks” scream the headlines. The premise is simple – buy real estate with little down, fix it up, and sell it quickly. What could be easier? Well, easy or not, one thing the promoters rarely tell you is that you’ll pay taxes on any profit you make if you are selling investment property and not the home you live in (your principal residence). If you flip houses or things like furniture for a profit, here are some tax implications and tips about your taxes, and possibly how to lower them.