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Social media covers? TimelineCovers.pro is the best to get the top Facebook Covers For your timeline. Find your Quality Facebook Cover Image among many type of categories. It’s full of perfect Facebook Covers. Don’t judge a (Face)Book by only its cover. Plus all of them are super fast and optimized for social media. TimelineCovers.pro was created to be an aid to those who don’t want to do graphic design. Everything looks polished and professional.

A recent study examined people’s Facebook statuses and whether there was an association between their personalities and their motivation behind what they posted. Of course we all have that person on Facebook who you know, for a fact, is just trying to get sympathy for everything coming down the road, but other statuses aren’t so obvious. The study of adult Facebook users found that personality had a lot to do with what people posted. For example, extraverts were all about posting social things on Facebook as a way to connect, those with low self-esteem were more likely to post things about their romantic relationships, conscientious people were drawn to posting things that would get a lot of “likes” (as in a lot of child-related stuff), and the narcissists, who use Facebook as a means to get validation, constantly post statuses about their accomplishments. You know the people I’m talking about: Look at me! Look at me! I just got my dream job and am making a million trillion a year! Ugh. Gag me with a spoon.

Maybe the easiest way to figure out what the like means to us is to stop using it. That’s what Elan Morgan did in a 2-week experiment she chronicled on Medium. Here’s what she discovered: “The Like is the wordless nod of support in a loud room. It’s the easiest of yesses, I-agrees, and me-toos. I actually felt pangs of guilt over not liking some updates, as though the absence of my particular Like would translate as a disapproval or a withholding of affection. I felt as though my ability to communicate had been somehow hobbled. The Like function has saved me so much comment-typing over the years that I likely could have written a very quippy, War-and-Peace-length novel by now.”

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“Similar to a snack temporarily reducing hunger until the next meal, social snacking may help tolerate the lack of ‘real’ social interaction for a certain amount of time,” the researchers wrote in a paper published last month in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Now with over a billion users, Facebook has become the focus of an increasing number of studies trying to uncover the real-life social side effects that can accompany using the social media site.

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