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Premium diabetes blood test? Who and Why should you take these tests? Regular Monitoring of liver and function is mandatory to prevent the long term pathologies like malignancy and Organ failures. Many times these tests are proved as first-line screening tests for the liver and kidney pathologies. Secondly for every four people in the United States of America, one is suffering from liver or kidney disorder. Liver and Kidney Disease can affect us in the following ways: They are the vital organs and their failure led to comprised functions and eventually death of an individual.

It is the level of insulin hormone in our blood. Its results are used to differentiate between different kinds of diabetes as to whether the patient has a deficiency of insulin or the inability of the patient to utilize it. A blood sample is required to measure its value. Who and Why Should you take these tests: Diabetes is a silent killer as it causes a syndrome of improper metabolism and links other diseases into it. More than 60 million in the United States of America have diabetes. If we take four random individuals two of them are either diabetic or prediabetic .It can occur at any age. It remains silent in the body so timely diagnosis is very important. Failure to diagnose it timely can lead to long term microvascular, macrovascular, and other complications.

VARICELLA-ZOSTER VIRUS ANTIBODY (IGG): This test is performed to check the immunity status of an individual against the Varicella Zoster Virus. Whenever we get infected by the virus or we get a vaccine in the form of passive immunization, it all results in the production of antibodies, and in short, this test measures the level of antibodies present in our body against these viruses. These tests should be performed to keep a check on the immunity status as if the person gets infected by VZ Virus once in life, one cannot get it again so it’s easier to rule out the disease during an outbreak.

Periodic blood testing is one of the most important ways to evaluate your overall health. Our General Wellness test is a panel of blood tests that would help understand overall wellness of a person. Iron Total – this test can help identify abnormal levels of iron, low levels could lead to fatigue and shortness of breath. ALP (Alkaline Phosphates) – high levels in blood indicate Liver dysfunction or bone disorders. ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase or SGPT) – test help identify liver related diseases. AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase or SGOT) – helps identify damage to liver. Bilirubin – test would help identify jaundice and other liver related diseases. MCH – mean corpuscular hemoglobin measures average hemoglobin found in red blood cells. MCHC – mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration measures average concentration of hemoglobin in RBC, is can be used along with MCV, RBC and RDW counts to diagnose anemia. Read extra information at Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Test.

Everyone needs quick, affordable and confidential blood testing at some point in their lives. We are ‘direct-to-consumer’ online pathway that allow individuals to secure routine lab tests without a physician’s order – saving both time and money. Lab testing is not available to those under the age of 18. Lab testing is not available to those in the states of NY, NJ and RI. Crown Health LLC strongly encourages those who use our service to consult and work with an experienced healthcare provider as our services are not to replace the relationship with a licensed doctor or regular medical screenings.

Who and Why should you take these tests? These tests should be performed to keep a check on the immunity status as if the person gets MMR and VZ once in life, one cannot get it again so it’s easier to rule out the disease during an outbreak. Similarly, the Hepatitis B Surface antibody test is also performed to check the immunity status of an individual against this virus. If you have following symptoms get yourself checked for MMR immediately: For Measles, it is congestion, cough, fever, rash; For Mumps it is fever and swollen parotid; For Rubella it is fever, headache, discomfort, enlarged lymph nodes Find more info on here.