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Dentist recommendations and dental hygienist city of London

Affordable Invisalign case studies city of London in 2021? Professional teeth whitening: Teeth whitening should only be carried out by qualified dental professionals as they only they have the right training to fully understand the potential impact of whitening products. Inferior products can be bought online or from high street shops, but these often fail to declare the strength of chemicals used, making it difficult to judge their safe application. Our dental service has been rated excellent on Trustpilot with over 350 5* reviews and we also proudly have a 5* Google rating.

Always treat cavities. Kids get cavities, too, and it’s important to treat them, even in baby teeth. Untreated cavities cause pain, infections, speech impediments, and other serious problems, so make sure to treat cavities right away. Forming good habits early and scheduling regular dentist visits are the best ways to protect your child’s dental health. If you have questions about dental health for kids, schedule an appointment.

Avoid ‘Baby Bottle Decay’: Don’t put your infant or older child down for a nap with a bottle of juice, formula, or milk. Sugary liquids cling to his teeth, feeding bacteria that can cause tooth decay. If you must give your child a bottle to take to bed, make sure it contains only water.

If you need an experienced dental crowns expert in the City of London our modern and friendly dental clinics can help. Our dental crown team includes highly skilled dentist Kushal Mehta ( GDC No: 15444) who has over 11 years extensive dentistry experience and a particular interest in cosmetic procedures such as crowns and veneers. What is a crown? A crown is a full cover or porcelain that fits over your tooth. Porcelain crowns can be colour matched to your surrounding teeth. The best results with crowns are achieved when the underlying foundation is sound. To this end, we usually replace any old fillings before placing a crown. In root filled teeth that do not have enough remaining structure, we may also need to place a post in addition to a new core filling. Find extra details home whitening city of London.

Let Your Kid Pick His Own Toothbrush: It is customary to change toothbrush at least every three months. This is to make sure that the bristles maintain their scrubbing ability and bacteria don’t accumulate in the brush. You can make this a fun experience by letting your kid choose his own toothbrush. You can opt for movie character themed toothbrush or an electric toothbrush that’s known to be a kiddy favourite. When it comes to choosing toothpastes, make sure that you pick kid-friendly ones that’s not too harsh on the mouth or too minty for the child. Kid-friendly toothpaste often have fruity sweet flavors and are mild to gums.

Schedule your child’s first dental appointment before their first birthday or after his or her first baby tooth is visible, whichever comes first. This visit is like a well-baby visit with your pediatrician. As kids grow up, their oral hygiene habits should grow with them. Kids have all their baby teeth by the age of 3. These are called primary teeth. Baby teeth start falling out around age 6; that’s when the permanent, or adult, teeth start coming in. Gaps between baby teeth are normal. They make room for the permanent teeth. Most permanent teeth come in by age 13.

Dental plaque is the sticky layer of bacteria that constantly forms on our teeth. Some foods, such as sweet snacks and starches can increase the formation of plaque, which can sometimes remain hidden between the teeth and underneath the gum line. The bacteria in dental plaque release acids, which can lead to cavities and gum inflammation. Our hygiene team will show you how to remove plaque yourself to improve your gum health between visits. See more info https://www.smile-hub.co.uk/.