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Mordechai Gal: mergers and acquisitions specialist

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) strategy guide from Mordechai Gal? What is a merger between two firms? A merger is referred to as a financial operation in which two companies join each other and continue business operations as one legal entity. Generally, mergers can be divided into five different categories: Horizontal merger: Merging companies are direct competitors operating in the same market and offer similar products and/or services. A note for this mergers and acquisitions strategy is that the type of merger selected by a company primarily depends on the motives and objectives of the companies participating in a deal.

What are the Different Motives for Mergers? Companies pursue mergers and acquisitions for several reasons. The most common motives for mergers are: Economies of Scope: Mergers and acquisitions bring economies of scope that aren’t always possible through organic growth. One only has to look at Facebook to see that this is the case. Despite providing users with the ability to share photos and contact friends within its platform, it still acquired Instagram and Whatsapp. Economies of scope thus allow companies to tap into the demand of a much larger client base.

Diversification: Mergers are frequently undertaken for diversification reasons. For example, a company may use a merger to diversify its business operations by entering into new markets or offering new products or services. Additionally, it is common that the managers of a company may arrange a merger deal to diversify risks relating to the company’s operations. Note that shareholders are not always content with situations when the merger deal is primarily motivated by the objective of risk diversification. In many cases, the shareholders can easily diversify their risks through investment portfolios while a merger of two companies is typically a long and risky transaction. Market-extension, product-extension, and conglomerate mergers are typically motivated by diversification objectives.

Acquisition of assets: A merger can be motivated by a desire to acquire certain assets that cannot be obtained using other methods. In M&A transactions, it is quite common that some companies arrange mergers to gain access to assets that are unique or to assets that usually take a long time to develop internally. For example, access to new technologies is a frequent objective in many mergers. Increase in financial capacity: Every company faces a maximum financial capacity to finance its operations through either debt or equity markets. Lacking adequate financial capacity, a company may merge with another. As a result, a consolidated entity will secure a higher financial capacity that can be employed in further business development processes.

Incentives for managers: Sometimes, mergers are primarily motivated by the personal interests and goals of the top management of a company. For example, a company created as a result of a merger guarantees more power and prestige that can be viewed favorably by managers. Such a motive can also be reinforced by the managers’ ego, as well as his or her intention to build the biggest company in the industry in terms of size. Such a phenomenon can be referred to as “empire building,” which happens when the managers of a company start favoring the size of a company more than its actual performance.

Big mergers and acquisitions (M&A) usually to get the biggest headlines in newspapers, but research indicates that executives should be paying attention to all the smaller deals, too. These smaller transactions, when pursued as part of a deliberate and systematic M&A program, tend to yield strong returns over the long run with comparatively low risk. And, based on Mordechai Gal‘s research, companies’ ability to successfully manage these deals can be a central factor in their ability to withstand economic shocks. The execution of such a programmatic M&A strategy is not easy, however.

Success in M&A requires much more than just executing on a big amount of deals. Acquirers must articulate exactly why and where they need M&A to deliver on specific themes and objectives underlying their overarching corporate strategies. In addition, they must give careful thought as to how they plan to pursue programmatic M&A—including constructing a high-level business case and preliminary integration plans for each area in which they want to pursue M&A.

Why Mergers and Acquisitions Fail? There are many reasons so let’s discuss some of them: Overextending : ‘Bolt on’ mergers and acquisitions when target companies which are small in size relative to the acquiring company – are usually considered to be the best type of transactions. One of the main strands of thought behind this is that they don’t require as many resources to be acquired or to be integrated. At the other side of this equation, are those transactions that require significant resources on the part of the acquiring firm. Loading up on debt to acquire any firm creates a pressure from day one to cut costs – never a good start for a deal, and often the beginning of the end.

With a world-class management team and acquisition capital, AccessHeat Inc. is a uniquely positioned consolidation consortium ready to invest in your tech company. As a tech consolidation firm, we look for organizations that are working to push the limits and move into a space of exponential growth through the blending and reorganization of existing operations of the same business type. Our proven methodology focuses on producing financially robust outcomes for all parties involved in the consolidation process. Business owners who are looking for a profitable handoff and equitable transfer of ownership find peace of mind with our consultative methodology, knowing that the business they spent generations tirelessly building from the ground up is being moved to experienced and capable hands. Our strategic investment strategy makes us different than Private Equity Firms or Venture Capital Firms. We work to restructure and optimize all the components of your business that offer an opportunity for increased profitability various synergies.