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Public speaking fear can be a major obstacle if you want to progress your career. Here are some public speaking tricks and a recommendation if you are searching for a public speaking trainer. Know Your Audience. Your Speech Is About Them, Not You. Before you begin to craft your message, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as you can. This will help you determine your choice of words, level of information, organization pattern, and motivational statement. Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose. Create the framework for your speech. Write down the topic, general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, and main points. Make sure to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds.

Try to enjoy yourself (or at least look like it!): If you look bored, then the audience will think you are bored. And if you’re bored by the topic, then why should anyone listening be interested? When you come out, have a smile on your face, make it seem like your happy and thankful to be there (even if you’d rather be in bed watching Netflix). If you feel confident enough to do so, add a little humour (as long as it’s appropriate). This will help you and your audience relax, and break the ice if the room is feeling a little tense or unfriendly. Read more info How to manage better.

Know your audience. If you are speaking in front of an audience, there is usually a reason. Know who you are speaking to and what they want or need to take away. If it’s friends and family, entertain them. If it’s a corporate event, teach and inspire them. Knowing the demographic of the audience is imperative. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Nothing becomes muscle memory unless you practice relentlessly. If you have a big speech coming up, make time every day to practice. Prepare your goals and the content well ahead of time. This can be done while driving, exercising, in the car, on a plane…anywhere.

What people say ? I felt supported in reading this book that finally someone knew how I felt when I had to deliver a speech of any kind in front of a crowd. Fear can take over, your throat goes dry, and you feel totally vulnerable, but with the 7 strategies in this book you are able to work through the fear and gain greater perspective on the WHY of why you are scared. In the end, it isn’t as bad as we usually think, and you will become a great public speaker if you follow the strategies laid out here. Mr. Acker uses great analogies and stories to get his point across. In his book, he says… The Amazon book can be purchased here: Public speaking course ebook.

Redefine your audience: Redefine your audience generally means changing how you see your audience. Instead of seeing them as lecturers who are evaluating you, maybe you can convince yourself that they are all fellow students who are in queue to present after you. They are all equally nervous so there is no reason why you should be too. Or perceive them as long lost friends that you haven’t seen for 10 years. This way you can maintain eye contact trying to figure out where you have seen him before. To the audiences, they will see a very friendly and personal presentation.

Mike Acker is a communications coach, speaker, and author with over 19 years of experience in speaking, leadership development, and organizational management. Known for his authenticity, humor, and engaging presence, Mike specializes in fomenting personal and organizational awareness, allowing clients to create their own personal growth track. His approach is earnest, informed, and holistic, leading to a more satisfying balance in work and life. His expertise in communications and leadership has attracted politicians, business entrepreneurs, educational leaders, and executive managers. Source: https://thepublicspeaking.school/.